Break Time Is Over

This past December when I began this blog–‘Starting Over Again,’ all excited about my new direction, little did I know that in my not-to-distant future I would become the recipient of a set-back to all of my most ambitious plans and aspirations for a better and more exciting future.

Life very seldom goes the way we envision it and I ended up in hospital over Christmas.

During my stay in hospital, I had lots of time to consider just how precious life is and how quickly things can change from being at the top of one’s game, to all of a sudden be crashing down and at the mercy of others…or even worse…have that precious life taken away in less than a heartbeat.

Thanks to a Higher Power and the absolute most professional top-notch doctors, nurses who took care of me, I am here today.

Where is this going and what am I trying to say?

Folks, life is really very short and we don’t have the luxury of being able to hit a Reset Button to live life over…we only get one shot at life, so we better make every day count!

I am {not quite} but almost back to where I was before my trip to the hospital and my resolve is now stronger and even more laser focused to pick up where I left off and succeed with my intentions of attaining a better lifestyle and future for myself and my family!

My message to anyone who reads this post, is a message of ‘Hope’ that you seriously look at where you are in life and if there is anything that you feel is not the way you would like it to be, then do not waste any more precious time by not at least trying to do something to make things better.

Time waits for No One! Everyone has an appointed time to die (sorry to be blunt) but when our time is up, it’s too late to be looking for a Non-Existent-Reset Button… Don’t be caught lying on your death-bed with Regrets and Unfulfilled Dreams!

As for me, I am back on course (literally) The 30 Day Challenge that I spoke about previously is front and center of my daily routine. Not saying that I will be able to complete the challenge in 30 days, but I am doing my absolute best to take advantage of what my mentors and partners have laid out for me…most importantly, I am challenging myself!

Break Time Is Over for me and I choose not to sit on my butt waiting and watching my life slip by…

What will your choice be?

If you would like to explore your options, please leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.


Morris Swinamer

CEO: and Starting Over Again

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